5 Nov 2014

USA (again) on 10m WSPR and daytime MF

The first stateside station copied on 10m WSPR today was WG2Z (5600km) at a decent -10dB S/N at 1202z.  I think this is a little earlier than yesterday?

UPDATE 1210z:  I was on 472kHz until I QSYed to 10m WSPR. G3ZJO is a very decent signal now on MF. For example at 0922z he was around -15dB S/N. He has been even stronger, which for 10mW ERP is excellent.

UPDATE 1250z:  The first USA spot of my 500mW today as by WG2Z at 1218z.  Not long after I was spotted by KC2GMM at -17dB S/N at 1228z.   USA stations spotting my 500mW WSPR regularly on 10m now.

UPDATE 1504z:  Tomorrow I may try 10m WSPR with a 10dB pad in the antenna lead so ERP will be about 50mW, but RX 10dB deaf too. No I'll try it NOW! Looks like 5mW (or less) would be enough with W3CSW.
10m WSPR spots, to 1620z, with 50mW
UPDATE 1754z:   8 USA reports, so far, of my 50mW and, even with a 10dB pad in the RX lead I still copied G0LRD (25km)'s 50mW and W7CNK's 5W (7458km).


  1. Hi Roger,
    Yes, similar experience here. Since switching from 2W to 50mW I've been surprised how little the spot rate has changed during the recent lifts on 10m.
    73 David

  2. David, yes surprising. Often the reports at 2W suggest much less power will still be copied as long as the noise floor allows. I think we have just confirmed this by our QRP experiments.
