20 Nov 2014

Sunspots - Thursday Nov 20th 2014

Sunspot number has dropped back to 72 today. 10m propagation is forecast to be "good".  The 10m band has been open to the USA yet again this afternoon, but no great DX seen on the band for my little 500mW WSPR-AXE beacon today.


  1. Hi Roger, the band was open to Australia today. I was spotted multiple times by VK5MR between 10:00 and 12:00. The txt used as always was my ultimate 3 TX running a few hundred milliwatts into a very lossy broadband vertical. WSPR is ideal for me as I work long shifts and would never be around to catch these fleeting openings. Thanks for providing the blog, I tend to have a read once or twice a week.
    Nick G0OQK High Wycombe Bucks

  2. Nice work Nick. I know my antenna is not the best on 10m. Perhaps when the path was open my little beacon was co-channel with 5W stations? Managed to be spotted there yesterday, so not too disappointed. I also have an unbuilt U3 kit,waiting for better health! In the meantime W5OLF's little single board WSPR beacon is impressing me. Think it has now been spotted on every continent.
