23 Nov 2014

Sunspots and 10m conditions - Sunday Nov 23rd 2014

Sunspot number today is 64 (a further small fall) but 10m daytime conditions in the forecast remain "good". So far today, my 10m 500mW WSPR-AXE beacon has only been copied in Europe. I expect the band will open to the USA shortly.

UPDATE 1210z:   So far, no spots from the USA yet, although it is a little early still.

UPDATE 1232z:   The first USA station to spot me today was WG2Z (5600km) at 1228z at -21dB S/N. This station is frequently the first and last to spot me on 10m. He must have a good system and antenna.

UPDATE 1338z:   So far, there seem to be fewer USA spotters than recently, suggesting 10m conditions are not quite as good as they have been? Early days still. I'll tell you at 1800z.

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