13 Nov 2014

Stateside reports yet again

Yet again, 10m opened to North America this afternoon. The earliest USA spot for me was at 1212z.  In a way, I was expecting to get some real, very long distance 10m DX spots today with my 500mW WSPR-AXE beacon but "only" Europe, Middle East and USA so far. I still remain very pleased with the little beacon.
Unique 10m WSPR spots received so far today (500mW)
UPDATE 1755z:  The last 10m WSPR spot of my 500mW beacon seems to have been at 1722z by WG2Z (5600km). Since then just spots from local G4IKZ (18km).

UPDATE 1840z:  My little W5OLF 10m beacon has just been switched off.

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