12 Nov 2014

QRP radios

I continue to be surprised by how few affordable QRP radios are on the market. The FT817ND continues to be the favourite, but recent exchange rate changes have not been matched by decent falls in the UK retail prices. I think we are still being ripped off by dealers in the UK. The IC703 is no longer made and the KX3 from Elecraft is very expensive over here. There are a few lower cost Chinese HF radios appearing. Overall, there remains little choice in QRP transceivers at sensible prices. I am sure the KX3 is a very good radio but for the same price I can buy 2 FT817 transceivers, and these are all mode and to 70cms.

A multi-band, all mode, 5-10W radio would be a killer in this age where people take lots of holidays and are on the move frequently. I still fail to understand why the big Japanese manufacturerers have not got a raft of low cost units on the market. It seems a gold mine opportunity is being wasted. Maybe I have misread the market?

I know if there was a new, attractively featured, QRP transceiver on the market now at a sensible price I'd be in the line to buy. I am sure very many others would be too.


  1. I don't doubt that the high cost of rigs is a barrier to the hobby. I doubt I will have the opportunity to buy another rig until I find a rich benevolent uncle!
    I sold my FT817 and regret it. Hopefully disruptive technology like the portableSDR will come off the drawing boards and make it into the shops

  2. I agree it would be nice to have more choice in QRP radios , especially with all the wonderful datamodes there are around these days. Chris, G4KDX.
