15 Nov 2014

Last stateside 10m spot today

The last USA spot of my WSPR-AXE 500mW 10m beacon, thanks to Jay W5OLF, was W3CSW (5886km) at 1850z. Since then just local G4IKZ.

The little 10m WSPR beacon still impresses me greatly.  It is tiny yet seems to produce the magic of good reports from across the planet, and no PC is needed.

UPDATE 2053z:  The little 10m beacon was switched off just now at 2050z. Although plenty of USA stations received me, I was quite surprised not to be spotted further away today. There is no doubt in my mind that world-wide 10m spots will be achieved with this little unit. It is the best investment I have ever made in our hobby. I can't praise it highly enough. It proves size and cost do not matter!

1 comment:

  1. It's a great pity that your U3 kit still needs assembly. The U3 COMPLETLY outruns your stand alone single band Tx for the same kind of money. It has:-
    All bands from 137K to 28MHz built in- just buy/build LPF's for each band you want.
    Can be used as a sig gen from AF to 40MHz in 1Hz steps.
    Sends both WSPRS as a stand alone, with the switchable LPF add on can cover multiple bands with the sequencing built in.
    Can be used as a CW rig.
    Can be GPS locked and timed at VERY low cost.
    Also covers many other modes and has sufficient complexity to keep you busy for AGES.
    Hans has created something very special for QRP people as well as every other Ham, a very low cost kit that has unbelievable versatility and functionality at pocket money costs.
    I don't think there is any better value for money than a U3 kit in Ham radio today and it comes from the UK. It will keep you off the streets for Months!!!
    Alan G8LCO
