17 Nov 2014

Dual band WSPRing

Since mid-afternoon I've been WSPRing on 2 bands at the same time. My little WSPR-AXE beacon (from W5OLF) puts out 27dBm on 10m and I used my FT817 to put out 30dBm ERP from my V2000 on 6m. Although 10m is resulting in plenty of reports, 6m is, yet again, DEAD with no stations received and no reports received. I'll leave both 6m and 10m WSPR running until after dark. Tomorrow I may try my earth-electrode antenna on MF (472kHz WSPR) at the same as 10m. As I use the Par antenna on 10m, I shall have to use the earth-electrode antenna on 472kHz.

UPDATE 1624z:   6m WSPR is still utterly DEAD. I keep plugging away on 6m to no avail. Not sure why I even bother!  10m, with half the power is far more productive: every day I get DX reports with the little WSPR-AXE 10m WSPR beacon at 500mW.
UPDATE 1925z:   6m WSPR again proved to be totally useless with not a single station copied here or copying me. Having tried so hard out of the Es season, I am now giving up on 6m until spring 2015.

UPDATE 1945z:    Just gone QRT on 6m, but left the 10m WSPR-AXE 500mW beacon still running.

UPDATE 1950z:   The last USA station appears to have been KB9AMG (6300km) at 1844z.

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