11 Nov 2014

70cms UKAC this evening

2000z to 2230z this evening (Nov 11th) is the next 70cms UK activity contest. Although my voice is poor, I shall try to come on for about an hour this evening. Contacts out to around 200km seem to be possible from the home QTH using 5W SSB and my hand-rotated 5 element beam. As it is now cold and dark and autumn, I suspect there may be less activity?   Activity is usually good with plenty of stations to work.

This is a very friendly sort of contest: just reports, serial numbers and QTH locators exchanged.   I only enter contests for fun, never to win, especially with my low power! If you can, come on 70cm SSB this evening.  Your presence would be welcomed warmly.

See http://www.rsgbcc.org/vhf/ for dates and times of all UKAC sessions.  These are excellent sessions.

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