11 Nov 2014

70cm UKAC this evening (5W QRP)

70cms 5W QSOs this evening from home  
- best DX 105km
After less than an hour I had to stop to save my poor voice from further strain.

I worked 8 stations in 3 grid squares before I HAD to stop. I heard a station in IO81 but failed to work him as my beam (5el hand rotated) was way off.  Best DX was just 105km. Had I managed to stay in the contest longer, then I am sure more QSOs would be in the log. My normal 70cms range seems to be up to about 200km.

Conditions seemed poor and activity was lower than in the summer. I guess better weather brings out more portable stations. Most stations worked were fixed i.e at home or on club premises.   At this time of the year people prefer to stay home.  I cannot blame them!

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