16 Nov 2014

10m - stateside

The first spot of my 500mW 10m beacon was at 1248z today by WB1FIG (5304km). Since then, several USA stations have spotted me, although I have not been spotted outside of Europe and the USA so far today.

Conditions seem "OK" on 10m, but certainly not what I'd call brilliant. For example, no spots from Asia, Africa or South America yet. I am still waiting for a first first spot of my little beacon from Australia.

UPDATE 1500z:   So far today reports of my little 500mW 10m beacon have been received from 28 different stations, so far. The majority of these are located in the USA and Canada.  Lots of hours left still today too!

UPDATE 1540z:    Best DX report today is still from K9AN (6505km).

UPDATE 1640z:   Best DX report today is from WA5NGP (7878km). Still no reports today from further afield. Time is running out today.

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