5 Sept 2014

Yaesu FT991 prices?

Has anyone any idea of the likely UK price of this new radio?

It would be excellent if they released one of the low powered versions (normally available in Japan) for UK and Europe too. I think the lower powers are for some Japanese licence classes? It is a lower powered version I quite fancy. 10W or 30W max.

My FT817 units have been excellent buys as have the VX1 and VX2 handhelds. You could call me a Yaesu fan.

I want to concentrate on operating for the next few years. My stroke currently gives me little choice as building and real field experimentation are out of the question, sadly, for a while.


  1. The new model is always dearer than the outgoing one it replaces. So I am going to estimate the price at at a tage below £900

    Will I be right?

    73 G1KQH

  2. Martin Lynch were guesstmating about £999 a few weeks back. Looks like a nice radio!


  3. £999 would be very expensive if a replacement for the FT857. That is a LOT more than the FT450D
