19 Sept 2014

JT65, JT9-1 and WSPR

After brief outings on 10m and 20m JT65 and JT9-1 (nothing worked but W and LU seen on 20m JT65) I returned to 10m WSPR. I changed power to 500mW on 10m WSPR and was spotted by local G0LRD and 4X1RF. For now I have settled on 1W WSPR and 4X1RF,  G0LRD,  DK6UG and DK8FT are all copying this level just fine so far.  I think the DKs were by Es, although I think the 4X is F2 propagation. So  far today, 4X1RF has spotted me 8 times at output powers between 2W and 500mW.

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