27 Aug 2014

10m GDX and more F2 and Es

M0EMM (192km) has been spotted at 1114z and 1134z from  IO82sq square, presumably tropo with some aircraft reflections. This morning I am seeing GDX, Es and F2 propagation: this is why the band is so interesting.

UPDATE 1412z:  Is this really meant to be a "poor" propagation day on 10m?  T5/T61AA (6960km) has been spotted many times since lunch. This is Ross (who was in Afghanistan) now in Mogadishu, Somalia, East Africa.

UPDATE 2035z:  Just G0LRD (25km) in recent hours. All DX, for now, has disappeared here.


  1. I have just discovered the power of SDR and CW Skimmer to monitor 96kHz of spectrum and decode all the spots. My contribution to the Reverse Beacon Network. http://www.reversebeacon.net/dxsd1/dxsd1.php?f=0&c=G3WKW+&t=de

  2. Interesting to see the NP4 stations on 10m CW.

  3. 2nd day running that the VKs have made an appearance on 10m between 0700z and 0800z.

  4. David - well done on the VKs again.

  5. Hi Roger,
    I'm not trying to brag! You often spot DX that I don't hear. I had always assumed that given our proximity we would both hear very much the same set of stations. It seems that this doesn't always happen. Our rigs are the same on 10m, but my antenna is probably a fairly good DX performer (inverted-V dipole, apex ~7m high).

    I've only recently determined to try to learn more about propagation and your commentary is very useful.
    73 David G0LRD

  6. My antenna (currently) is not the best in the world and it is low, but it also does a credible job on 20m and 40m. On these bands it is VERY low. I think I'll stick with it for now, but would like a mono-bander for 10m again too, maybe a vertical or my Homebase-10 wire halo design that appeared in PW a few years back now and is on my www.g3xbm.co.uk website.

  7. Hello Roger, I have been spotting T5/T61AA on 15m last monday. I think I'need to be more active. Haven't got T5 in my DXCC WSPR list yet. Unfortenately I think he's in a bad receive situation as he doesn't spot that much looking at the database. 73, Bas
