4 Jul 2014

6m WSPR - CN8LI (2113km) yet again (and super-DX?)

Since turning 6m WSPR back on again, CN8LI is again a decent signal here and my 1W ERP is good with him. Ten spots all together to 1622z. The "pipe" between us is there yet again!

Still no sign of super-DX on 6m WSPR though. There are several active stations in the USA towards the east coast (W2, W3, W4, W0, W8, W9 areas) and today is July 4th a public holiday in the USA. Put WSPR on 6m then go have a BBQ? If on a beam, make sure it is firing towards Europe! Vertical omni's are OK too.

At the last count, there were 8 stations in the USA that might be copied if the 6m band opens including 2 N2s which would be the closest.  Please may today be the day!

Plenty of GDX with several calls not seen in the logs before on 6m.

FG5LA is spotting W8AC (3380km) at 1602z, so there is hope!

UPDATE 2034z:  14 spots exchanged with CN8LI  with the latest spot at 1836z. And most of the day I was on 10m! No super-DX seen on 6m from here and, although I'll leave the kit running overnight, I'd be surprised if we now see transatlantic DX tonight. Plenty of GDX still with G0OQK at 98km as best DX.

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