8 Jul 2014

6m WSPR and 70cm UKAC

So far today, 6m WSPR is running to form: most spots are from local and semi-locals, a smattering of Es (but nothing like the Es on 10m) and no "super-DX" to be seen here. If I QSY back down to 10m I am almost guaranteed S.American F2 propagation, but "sod's law" says I'll miss a stronking great big opening to the Caribbean on 6m. I am bound to do the wrong thing! For now , I plan to stay on 6m. We'll see.

This evening is the 70cm UK activity contest. I plan to operate for the first hour or so, as long as my voice holds - I am not good at SSB contests because of my stroke damaged voice - it is really hard work. About 10 QSOs is my very limit. At least I can WSPR on 6m at the same time as I use different rigs and antennas (both FT817s). WSPR saves my voice.

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