3 Jul 2014

6m - CN8LI pipe again

CN8LI (2113km) WSPR spots of my 1W ERP today
The 6m "pipe" to Morocco seems to be open again this evening with plenty of good propagation both ways.  Above are just the spots of my 1W ERP signal in Morocco to 1922z.  Plenty in the other direction too.

UPDATE 2030z:  Now 8 reports this evening from CN8LI.

UPDATE 2040z:  In addition to the Es today, there is plenty of GDX around.
Spots by me of CN8LI this evening (so far) - 10 spots!

1 comment:

  1. Seems N-S ducting from my QTH(Paris)
    For the last week, almost continual Spanish and Scandanavian stations. Very little Spanish WSPR activity though, so I think not seen on the maps. Wonder if this has to do with N-S aligned Barometric troughs in the high pressure region (currently causing thunderstorms in S. France) ?? Certainly does not seem like Es! Hugh F/G6AIG
