17 Jun 2014

Super DX on 6m WSPR - a lost cause?

Yet again, there are ZERO stations active on 6m WSPR in the north eastern USA and eastern Canada. There have been decent 6m transatlantic openings on 6m today but without participating WSPR stations WSPR is a dead loss!! I shall give 6m WSPR a few more days before I give it up in disgust.

6m WSPR should be the ideal mode to seek out such openings but only if stations bother to use the mode. Please, please give it a try if you are on the east coast of the USA and Canada.

Set to 50.293MHz USB dial.


  1. I wpuld like to do more WSPR. If I had 6M equipment, I would. I am setting up 10 & 20M at a tower site sopn for full time decode and 40M at home decode.

  2. Thanks Mark. Good luck. 10m might well be good across the Atlantic by multi-hop Es.
