27 May 2014

Good start on 6m Es today

IK1WVQ was spotted at 0924z and I was spotted by OE1MSB (1220km)  as early as 0824z on 6m WSPR. This is a promising start on 6m WSPR.

Sunspot count is 110 and 20-30MHz conditions described as "normal".  This is of no relevance to 6m Es propagation (at least not directly), but suggests half decent DX conditions on 10m. I may QSY to 10m later for a change.

UPDATE 1210z:   No more 6m Es here since 0928z. Got to be patient!

UPDATE 1420z:   Still no more 6m Es here, so will probably QSY to 10m shortly. G4IKZ spotting me lots (a local).

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