9 Apr 2014

10m today - still good

All afternoon I have been receiving WSPR spots for my 2W WSPR transmissions.  Up to now ALL spots have been from transatlantic stations in the USA. The band is still in good shape.   The sunspot count is drifting gradually downwards (94 today) but, for now at least, HF conditions on the higher bands like 10m remain generally good.

This weekend I may make a start on my Ultimate 3 WSPR beacon kit (see image above on Hans Summers' site).  This is a complete (no PC needed) beacon kit for modes like WSPR and QRSS3 and very reasonably priced even if buying the GPS timing kit too. Mine cost £37 including postage from Japan with GPS.

I feel a bit better than I did and less clumsy. We'll see.

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