23 Jan 2014

JT65B on 2m

This evening I had an unsuccessful JT65B sked on 2m with G4DCV in Aldershot. I was using WSJT 9.7 software. Although I could hear his JT65B tones well (and his CW) I could not once decode his callsign in JT65B despite Paul using 200W. Later I checked with GB3VHF and was easily able to copy callsign and QTH locator in JT65B mode. I shall have to try this mode again until  I succeed. I have used JT65-HF successfully on several occasions. Paul could receive me despite me using just 2W to a halo at around 135km.Several times the WSJT 9.7  reported a runtime error and closed the program.

If anyone has any ideas why I did not decode Paul's transmissions please let me know.


  1. I had a similair issue with WSJT-X. Whatever I tried some stations didn't decode. I suspect Paul has to choose for direct-X as soundcard in/output. Of course he should have the latest direct-X drivers installed. It did the trick for me. 73, Bas

  2. I was using WSJT 9.7 software. If worked with GB3VHF (JT65B mode) and may have been due to sound card selection (I use a SignaLink USB interface). Will repeat test soon. Apparently one has to rs-start when settings changed. 73s Roger G3XBM

  3. It's not your choice of soundcard but the choice of the station that you trying to receive. I made that mistake myself as well. Later I didn't understand that after installing direct-X drivers you actually have to choose them in the WSJT soundcard settings. Luckely I don't get any "no decode" anymore since choosing the right settings. 73, Bas

  4. With Paul's higher power, you may have got some grief from aircraft reflections. Any hint of that on the display?

    Tim G4VXE

  5. Tim, pretty sure it was "finger trouble" at my end. This evening a sked with G3WKW was more successful with Bob's call copied OK.

  6. Beginning to think more power is needed on 2m to get the best from the band.

  7. Good news, Roger. Probably a bit more power will be helpful, although your low power will work well when the band is in good shape! Unfortunately I only have a vertical up for 2m at the moment but will happily try JT65B with you some time.

    73, Tim G4VXE

  8. Yes, we should try JT65B Tim. I also have a V2000 vertical that I could use with you.

  9. Excellent Roger! Perhaps next weekend? I'll email you!

    Tim G4VXE

  10. Tim (G4VXE) yes please email me to fix up a sked on 2m JT65B. Give me time and frequency and whether you will TX even or odd . I can run to my vertical V2000 so we use same polarisation

    Roger G3XBM
