8 Mar 2013

Gaps in my knowledge

Sometimes I feel a complete fraud: people drop me emails and ask me questions and I am completely at a loss how to answer. The reason is there are an awful lot of things that I should know about that I don't. As an example, PIC programming: many of the things I want to do, like make a simple VLF frequency generator with FSK keying could probably be done very easily with a PIC, but I have never, ever, used a PIC and certainly never programmed one. There are whole areas of circuit design in which I'm very weak, for example digital logic, microprocessors etc.  Even my RF knowledge is frankly far from expert.  In my professional life I managed to get promoted into management roles where my "hands on" RF skills were not an embarrassment! You'd be surprised how many managers in RF jobs are not actually that hot at RF design.  Mind you, it helps to have a "jizz" (instinctive feel) for RF and I did (and still do) have this.

The reason I raise this is to give others hope. Even without knowing too much a lot can be done and we are never too old to learn new tricks. There are far too many things to know about to be experts in everything and the best we mortals can do is try our best in a limited area. This is why I concentrate on simple HF and low VHF QRP projects, optical and VLF work which I can get my head around. I'll leave the complex stuff to people far better than me.

At some point I may have a go at PIC programming but writing software was never my strong point. Neither was maths for that matter. Talking about PICs, if I wanted to have a go at PIC programming what do people recommend for going about it? What is the best (simple please) book and what is the best development kit on which to try out the programmed devices?


  1. I'd suggest investigating the Arduino platform rather than PICs. This new book should be available shortly: https://wa5znu.org/cookbook/
    Have a look at the Pacificon slides, I think this may be what you are looking for.
    Alan G0RWB

  2. Alan, thanks for this suggestion. I really ought to have a go at this. It would be a whole new area for me to explore.

  3. +1 for Arduino, i've done alot of projects with it, it's probably the easiest to learn and use and it can still scale up to very complex stuff, if needed.

  4. I think I might take a look at that cookbook edited by Leigh WA5ZNU, a fellow Elecraft enthusiast. I have development boards for both PIC and Propeller microcontrollers but I have found that going beyond the simple examples to create my own project is too difficult for me. I'd like to have more ready to run ham radio examples, which it looks like this book has.

  5. KISS (Keep it simple stupid), keep the programming out of it does me fine! At least all can try to understand it. If you bring in other variables like PIC's, it becomes a different ball game which msny fail to grasp or will even bother to try and build the project.

    Two transistors, a diode, an IC great stuff, you can't go wrong.

    If you want the programming bit keep that to the Ardunios, and Raspberry Pi's etc.

    73 Steve


  6. Hi Roger,
    I concur with the others that PICs are not the easiest way to get started with microcontrollers (I've used them, but they are not the easiest). I would also stay away from the Raspberry Pi and similar boards (e.g. BeagleBoard) if you are interested in interfacing the controller to radios, because these are basically tiny PCs with everything that comes with that. I don't have experience with Arduino, but the very large community of users (many non professional) should make this a good choice.
    Sivan 4X6IZ

  7. Good morning Roger,

    I will add another vote for the Arduino. This was a platform designed from the very beginning to help teach and learn about this subject.

    Problem is, as I am sure you have already done a search and discovered, the Arduino is very popular and as such there are now many variations; too many in fact and it gets confusing just what is what very quickly.

    The Uno is the more recent "base" version. The Leonardo is similar but has some unique features which I think would make it not as suitable for someone starting out.

    The Mega can be thought of as a "base" version on steroids - more input and output pins and more memory. There is a version of the Mega called the ADK which includes a USB host port which can be connected to an Android phone or similar. While this one has more capability than the standard Mega it is I think also not a good choice to start out with.

    The new Arduino Due is starting to make it's mark. It is similar in form to all the previous Arduino except it has a 32bit 84Mhz ARM processor. It is 3.3v only and using shields from early version of the Arduino can cause problems if they are 5v only.

    Then of course there the Minis, Mini Pros, Lilypads, etc. Interesting in their own right but also not the best to start with.

    Shield are the plug in boards that provide a very wide variety of interface possibilities. LCD, switches, LED drivers, Motor Drivers, ethernet, WIFI, Bluetooth, GPS, temperature, humidity, acceleration sensors and on and on.

    My choice as a place to start would be the Arudino Mega 2560 (not the ADK version) or the Uno in that order plus a prototype shield with a small solderless breadboard. Download and install the lastest version of the software and plug and play away.

    cheers, Graham ve3gtc
