4 Nov 2012

500kHz WSPR tonight

My last post with this title got corrupted when I tried to edit it, so this is a shortened revised version. 500kHz WSPR this evening has been very good. In the last couple of hours I've been getting 8-9 reports with each transmission slot when running less than 50mW ERP. Best DX 707km to DG3LV.
500kHz WSPR reports this evening
I've downloaded the latest version of JT9 software and hope to try this for 2-way QSOs later this week on 500kHz. My current problem is the S8 noise floor which I hope to reduce by using a better sited E-field probe or loop antenna (for RX only) further away from the house.

There are still plenty of CW stations on 500kHz. One evening last week I had a very enjoyable CW QSO on the band with G3XIZ. Semi-locally there are around 3-4 stations on a regular Sunday morning 500kHz CW net.

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