18 Nov 2012

472kHz WSPR this evening

After the CW QSO and 500kHz WSPR TXing this evening I switched over to 474.2kHz USB dial WSPR receiving, whilst I watched "Homeland" on TV (BTW, this is a truly excellent US drama series - I don't usually like US dramas). Good signals coming through from the usual suspects, HI. The weaker signal at the bottom of the image is DF2JP.
474.2kHz WSPR this evening
It sounds like the first UK access to the 472-479kHz band will be for old 500kHz NoV holders, which includes me, on Jan 1st 2013. It is NOT likely the band will be generally available in the UK at that time, but some time later. Even the 500kHz NoV holder access to the new band is not yet certain on Jan 1st 2013. Watch this space!

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