25 Oct 2012

My 10m halo - soon time for an overhaul

After the CQWW DX contest this weekend I plan to take down my Homebase-10 halo and rebuild it. The birds have managed to tear away at  the nylon rope supporting the nested 6m halo and the wooden supports now look a bit weather beaten.

So, I plan to replace the wooden cross frame supports with PVC pipe or fibre glass rods and re-do the wire elements. These have been up in all weathers for around 4 years now, so a few pounds on a remake is justified. The antenna works so well and is so small that I cannot think of a better antenna for the 10m band short of going to a beam which would be huge by comparison and need a rotator. The neighbours are quite used to it too, which is good.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning, well the supports have done their duty if the antenna has been up for 4 years. Do you have any pic's of the antenna on your blog? Good luck in the contest this weekend as well.
