8 Jul 2012

G3XBM Shack - 1977 style

My shack in 1977. I still use the same Morse key.
Just came across this picture of my shack in 1977. On the left is the Eddystone EC10 receiver. Next to it is a crystal controlled CW transmitter for 28MHz and a down-converter to 4-6MHz IF, tuned on the EC10. On the far right is the Belcom Liner-2 2m SSB transceiver, a state-of-the-art rig at the time. The boy in the chair is my son aged 2 at the time. These days he is a successful professional jazz musician. I never did interest him or his younger brother in amateur radio.


  1. I have a similar picture of my son and me when he was 3 years old. He had my headphones on sitting with me in front of my Icom 735. Ben as seen it and I was able to have it published CQ magazine. It was for an a piece on new op's....which I was back then. Thanks for the shot it brought back some nice memories.

  2. Nice, Roger. Thanks for sharing.

    My "Elmer" had nine or ten sons and one daughter; none of which took up his radio interest. Luckily for me, he found time to mentor a kid from the neighborhood that thought his hamshack was akin to "the magic kingdom."
