31 Jul 2011

10m tropo

Weak signal modes never cease to amaze me. This evening I've been exchanging 5W WSPR reports with G4CUI 173km away near Sheffield on 10m by what I presume is tropo. Running WSPR for hours on end certainly shows unexpected paths popping up from time to time. Even 5W is enough with this mode, and I assume modes like JT65.

If properly exploited by using weak signal modes like JT65 and WSPR 10m could be a great inter-G band even with QRP and small antennas. I wonder who will be the first G station to Work All Britain on 10m JT65 with QRP?


  1. Good point. I'll have to add building a 10m antenna to my list of things to do (currently, building a Theremin). I'm sure it's just that I just wasn't listening, but I don't think I've heard anyone talk about using these weak signal modes on that band before!

  2. Just thought - could you let me know what frequency to listen on? Thanks

  3. Hello Roger, I'm also a big fan of 10m WSPR, hoping to get a cb vert, or maybe a moxon on 10m soon...

    Hadn't thought about trying out JT65....

    It's really quiet on 10m here in IO71lu, but hopefully the digimodes will help sort out that problem..

    73 Mark MW0MJB
