14 Jun 2011

70cm activity contest - a brilliant /P evening

Stations worked 70cms UKAC 14/6/11
My tiny 4el 70cm yagi made from wood and a couple of coat hangers worked very well this evening netting me 17 QSOs in just over 1 hour of operating with 5W RF from the FT817. Best DX worked was 191km although I heard both GD8EXI and GI6ATZ at much greater distances.


  1. Hi Roger

    I tried a 12 element beam without any joy. Quickly build a J pole and managed to match it in the end.
    Tried a slim Jim no joy there with the matching. Have you got the details of the 4el on your Web site?

    Thanks Tony

  2. That's a very nice result, Roger.
    I didn't get time to get up on air for this event, I'll definitely try the next 2m & 70cms events.


    Dave - G7UVW

  3. Hi Roger

    The 12 ele beam seems to be working o.kg but I would need to get it clear of the surrounding buildings and be able to rotate it.
    A 4 element beam would be easy to rotate by hand and store away .


  4. Hello Roger, nice results...

    I missed this event...But I have a 9 element 70cm beam in the shed and my FT817...
    I won't miss the next one..

    73 de MW0MJB
