10 Jun 2011

6m WSPR today

Good conditions on 50MHz today with WSPR spots from GM4SLV, PA0O and CN8LI when using 5W to the V2000 vertical antenna. The report from John in the Shetlands was -2dB S/N suggesting just a few milliwatts would have been enough. PA0O is interesting as it may not be Es but tropo propagation as the distance is pretty short for Es skip.

1 comment:

  1. If PA0O doesn't hear you on WSPR with whatever propagation something is wrong. He probabely has his 9 element LFA yagi in your direction today :-). By the way I'm near PA0O and use a V2000 clone, so similair to our setup. But I use no more then 1W. Curious if we will receive each other one of these days. Will try tomorrow again. 73, Bas
