8 Jun 2011

144MHz Cumulative Contest

Last evening I went out portable with my halo and FT817 to a local (small) hilltop to operate in the RSGB 144MHz cumulative contest. What surprised me was the great amount of activity: the band from 144.17 - 144.36 was packed with SSB stations from all over the UK.  Just over an hour of operation gave me best DX of 203km and 7 stations worked. It was great fun. Next Tuesday evening is the 70cms cumulative contest, so I may well give this a try too from the same spot.


  1. Hi Roger

    What setup will you be using for 70cm.

    KR Tony

  2. Either a Moxon 2-el yagi or a small 3 or 4 el beam. Either has to be made between now and next Tuesday!

  3. My SOTA 2m / 70cms antenna arrived today - I plan to be on 2m this Sunday for the PW 144MHz QRP contest.

    Hope to catch you on 70cms Tuesday.


    Dave - G7UVW
