10 Aug 2010

417km on 500kHz QRP ....with just earth electrode antenna!

Just been received in Holland by PA0A on 500kHz WSPR when using just the 20m spaced earth electrodes! The ERP is around 250uW and I am amazed that this non-antenna is able to work so well. I've also been emailed by Victor PA3FNY to say he also copied me at -27dB S/N.


  1. Hi Roger, could you explain this phenomenon? Indeed, it's amazing. 73 Paul

  2. There is some dispute over how the earth electrode "antenna" works. I believe it works as a loop antenna with the loop being formed in the low conductivity soil/rock beneath it. Dave Gibson, a caving electronics expert, thinks it works as an electric-dipole, but it behaves exactly like a loop on 0.838, 136 and 500kHz in terms of loop direction for best results.
