17 Jan 2010

Transatlantic reception on 500kHz

This evening, early, the transatlantic WSPR stations are coming through well into Europe. So far I've only seen WE2XGR/6, running 100W, appear on the screen on 511.5kHz, which is above the UK allocation. This is a new transatlantic station for me. The signal is varying in QSB with around 8 minutes between peaks of signal.

UPDATE: I eventually moved off 511.5kHz at 8am this morning and WE2XGR/6 had been coming in all night until then. At best it reached -14dB S/N with me on one occasion but usually it was around -20 to -25dB S/N level. Also copied was WE2XGR/2 who was running 50W. He was audible until 0638am

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