13 Oct 2009

161kms voice powered QSO by AA1TJ

Just got an email from Mike Rainey AA1TJ describing his TX powered only by his voice. He achieved a distance of 161kms with a germanium transistor oscillator putting out a few mW of power. The power for this was generated by rectifying the audio signal from the loudspeaker used as a microphone. In the end Mike resorted to a sort of MCW mode shouting CW into the LS but W1VZR copied this and made a recording. Mike is also looking at a receiver using "RF harvesting" to allow a receiver that requires no DC power source other than that derived from off-air RF.

Mike's amateur radio pages are at http://mjrainey.googlepages.com/radio


  1. It's a good job he didn't use a sardine tin or I'd have thought there was something fishy about it.

  2. But seals love sardines!
    Steve KB3SII
