15 Sept 2009

The 500kHz drifter....

G6ALB sent me a screenshot tonight of my 500kHz WSPR beacon as it was warming up. For the first 30 minutes it moved some 59Hz, not a lot really, but it looks dramatic on the WSPR waterfall. The reason is the transverter crystal oscillator settling down after first switch-on. At the moment the whole thing is a rats nest in the open on the desk: it needs putting in a box. The WSPR beacon was again heard by G3XVL at 61kms today.


  1. Roger,

    Hey, I would like to join you on 500kHz, do you have any pointers. I would like to HB a transmitter and drive it with a PIC. I guess I should just Google it.

    Here are some projects that I have been working on:


    72 Eldon - WA0UWH

  2. If you look on my main website Eldon there is a page about WSPR with some good links. The best is a page by G4ILO called Distant Whispers which will tell you almost all you need to know about WSPR. Start by listening on 500kHz to your beacons operating experimentally in the band.

  3. Eldon I should have said my webpage is at www.g3xbm.co.uk
