After all, I decided to try 8m QRP FT8 today. So far, no spots.
UPDATE 1202z: So far only G4BAO (8km) spotting me.
UPDATE 1229z: My first 8m spot from "across the pond" this season by WW1L (4976km).
Stations spotting my 2.5W 8m FT8 |
UPDATE 1252z: Now spotted by 3 stations.
UPDATE 1342z: Spotted by 4 stations and PJ4MM (7483km) spotted on RX for the first time this season on 8m FT8 RX.
Stations spotted on 8m FT8 |
You've been up to around -8dB here in Cyprus Roger. I'm using an RX888MK2 SDR and dipole de 5B/G9PUV. Will put a post on the 40MHz page later this evening.