6 Jul 2024

QMX+ bug?

In most respects I am very pleased with my built QMX+ from QRP labs.  It represents good value for money and does "what is says on the tin" well. Mine has been used exclusively on FT8 with WSJT-X with a Windows 10 PC. 

This morning my 15m QRP FT8 was spotted in Japan. My antenna is just a Par endfed.

It works fine on all the bands I have tried, but I may have a bug! 

On FT8 RX with WSJT-X the RX audio is fine on the lower bands, but seems too low on the higher HF bands remaining in the red on WSJT-X on all bands above 15m. It is as if the RX audio on digital modes from the QMX+ is too low. Just occasionally it just makes green on 10m FT8 RX, but this seems "flaky".  

All PC settings are on maximum. I am not sure if this is adjustable inside the box or can be fixed in the firmware/software. I am hoping there is something I can do to fix this.


  1. Roger, I don’t have a QMX BUT i do have a QDX so I expect these comments are relevant. If you go into Terminal mode on the QMX using a programme like ‘Putty’, you can adjust (increase) the default RX audio levels on each band. I found the defaults are a bit low and had to increase these to get the WSPR levels into the green area.
    73 Ken g4apb

  2. I sent you an email photo of the band configuration showing the audio gain parameter you have to adjust.
