7 Mar 2024

6m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

Shortly, I intend to try 6m FT8 again with 2.5W and the vertical V2000 omni antenna. At present I am on 630m QRP WSPR. 

UPDATE 1336z:   In tidying up the shack I destroyed the coax connection to my V2000 antenna used on 6m.  I shall have to mend this later, although soldering is now quite hard for me. Moral: do not tidy up shacks! Mind you, I found things I had forgotten I had! 6 English stations had spotted me before disaster struck.

UPDATE 1402z:  Coax mended. Back on 6m FT8. Now 8 English stations have spotted me.

UPDATE  1627z: 12 English stations have spotted me today.

UPDATE 1826z:
14 English stations have spotted me.

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