18 Nov 2023

How efficient is my earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground on 630m?

My best comparison is with Jason M0NYW who is using the same G3XBM transverter, but I believe a more conventional antenna. He is also reporting his ERP as 10mW. Jason gets better results that me. In the last 12 hours he was spotted by 39 stations, whereas I was spotted by 16.

How much difference is there? Clearly, he is getting better results, so his antenna and ground are better. Most of my reports are quite close to the limit. Also, for some stations, the local noise can put a stop to very weak signals being decoded. When near the limit of decode, a few dB could make a great deal of difference.

So, it is very hard to say how much better Jason's system is than mine.

All I can say is a more conventional setup is better. What I can say is the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground does work and is just about invisible.


  1. Morning Roger,

    Yes can confirm using the same transverter (12watt) output to the antenna. The antenna system comprises of tapped loading coil then to variometer and 12m inverted L wire. 6M vertical and 6M horizontal then the far end of the wire drops down towards the house so no very high overall.
    I use three earth stakes dotted aound the garden.

    On my antenna analyzer (rig expert) it shows 1.2:1 match at 475Khz

    Unfortunately when it rains (as it does quite abit recently) the loading coil & variometer are exposed to the elements so I have to QRT as the match goes sky high so haven't been able to stay on all night.

    My noise floor is quite high (S9) on 630M but still able to copy stations and best received DX is States.

    Did you buy a antenna analyzer? be interesting to see what match your antenna does have...


  2. Yes, I have a TinyVA, but not used it yet. I shall be interested in the VSWR of the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground too!!
