17 Nov 2023

Black Friday "deals" - NOT amateur radio

In recent years we have seen this import from the USA. I think the original idea was to make consumers buy things over a longer period. Just now I looked on the Asus website for deals and, quite frankly, I think consumers are being taken for a ride.

As a "boring old fart" (BOF) I think this whole "Black Friday" thing is stupid, and this is one more import from the USA that they can willingly have back. 

I am sure it is aimed more at the seller than the consumer. Retail outlets are having a hard time and their business models have to change to compete with online sellers.

However, Black Friday is one innovation we can do without.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the time when prices of products go up shortly before Black Friday, in order to go down again, pretending they are selling with a big discount.
