9 May 2023

Frustration - NOT amateur radio

Several times in the last few days I have had to ring about house insurance. After about a minute of time wasting drivel I was asked to say in a few words what my call was about. 

Clearly they were using voice recognition or AI. Without fail my few words were not understood! When asked was I asking about car insurance "is that right?" I replied "no!!".

In the end I was put through to a human being.   I hate AI.  With a poor voice, I am on to a loser every time!!!


  1. I have found the best tactic to deal with AI or speech recognition is just to remain silent when the system asks questions. It may take a while to react, but typically you will then be transferred to a real person.

  2. I speak with an accent. Not a big one, but enough to cause the same issues. When the AI-systems doesn't understand me, I simply wait automatically get put through to a human.
