8 May 2023

8m QRP FT8

My gear (2.5W and a low dipole) was turned on at 0810z. In the last few days I have been spotted on every day without any Es DX and I spotted a newcomer to 8m G3WCS in IO83 square.

I just wish the RSGB and OFCOM would see the value of a very narrow band around 40.680 MHz by NoV for the Amateur Radio Service instead of both being so "anti".  5kHz would be so useful for research. Instead, we have to pay to do useful research!! Madness. 

Sorry, I have no sympathy with this position. Yes, I know weather radar may use some of these frequencies, but I gather these are at night to minimise interference to/from other services. The ISM band is protected by limits and international law. The RSGB should be actively fighting for us on our behalf. Instead, they seem to be meekly accepting OFCOM's position rather than causing a fuss. Yes, protect our existing bands by all means (personally I would prefer more, narrower bands BTW), but please understand that some of us wish to contribute to genuine research and not talk on 80m with commercial gear about growing carrots . Rant over.

Keeping within the law, I hope as many as possible will operate legally within the 8m ISM allocation 40.66-40.70 MHz with WSPR or FT8 beacons without a licence.

UPDATE 0834z:  No spots.

UPDATE 1258z:   Just G3WCS (223km) spotted on RX. No spots of me on 8m FT8 TX.

UPDATE 1437z:  No 8m FT8 spots of me today so far. Disappointing.

UPDATE 1450z:   At last!  Some Es with a spot of me by HC02 (1808km) in Portugal. Thank you Hugh.

UPDATE 1557z: 
Spotted in 5 EU countries so far today on 8m FT8. It took a while, but Es is definitely here!

UPDATE 1820z: 
Just did a series of 8m WSPR tests with HC02 in Portugal, gradually dropping power to 50mW. probably 10dB in hand suggesting 10mW ERP in the ISM band will definitely be widely spotted in Europe.


  1. Try WSPR whenever you wish. You've been a solid FT8 signal for over 30 minutes here in IM67,peaking at - 7dB.
    I receive both at the same time on 40.68MHz.

  2. WSPR coming in well, - 8 at 1630z

  3. You even copied the 50mW WSPR Hugh!

    1. Yes! First 50mW copy was
      -22dB,at the end, around 1900z you'd gone down to - 29dB!
