16 Apr 2023

Dayton Hamvention

Mid may sees the Dayton Hamvention in the USA. This is probably the biggest amateur radio gathering on the planet. Often, the big manufacturers use it to announce new products, even if they are still in development.

I really hope Yaesu announces a real successor to the FT817/818, both of which are no longer in production because of component shortages. This is their very last chance. Otherwise I fear they will leave the amateur market. The impression you get is of a floundering market strategy in which they cannot tell their a*e from their elbow. 

What do we want?

  • SDR based RX
  • Better battery pack
  • Auto ATU
  • More bands
  • Speech processor
  • etc.

None of this is rocket science. Yaesu - pull your finger out!! Do it NOW!

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