2 Mar 2023

Yaesu FT7

My first ever Yaesu rig was the 10W FT7, which I bought second hand in 1979. By modern standards it was big, but it was a great rig, enabling me to work 10m SSB QRP DXCC in the 1980s. Being this old, WARC bands were not included and on 10m, it only covered 500 kHz. 

Later, they brought out a 50W version (the FT7B) that covered all of 10m in 4 switched bands. Synthesizers and memories were in the future, so it had an analogue VFO. The RX was very quiet. It was one of the best rigs I have ever owned.

Several Yaesu rigs have been owned and I like Yaesu products, but feel they lost their way in recent years. Let's really hope they survive.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/commercial-rigs/yaesu-ft7 .

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