23 Feb 2023


Since moving to this QTH nearly 10 years ago (doesn't time fly?) I have a dedicated shack. 

SSB and FM operation require me to be in the shack, whereas FT8 and WSPR may be monitored on a different PC in the lounge. 

I usually sync to internet time early morning (just using Windows 10) and I can pop in the shack (which I do often) in seconds.  Although I sometimes re-sync later in the day, I am not convinced this is really needed.

Although I have a separate bench for building, my poor fine motor skills mean it is rarely used these days, sadly.

The photo shows me looking at birds in the garden as the shack probably has the best view.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/other-amateur-radio/shack .

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