16 Feb 2023


At the moment I am on 10m WSPR TX with my 500mW beacon. So far today, 8 unique stations have spotting me. 

UPDATE 1246z:  11 unique stations have spotted me.

UPDATE 1604z: 15 unique stations have spotted me today. It is interesting that several stations would have been able to copy my 10m WSPR with far less power, assuming their noise floor was low. This confirms to me that many licence exempt 8m ISM beacons could be copied at great range on WSPR. I hope many use 10mW ERP  8m ISM band licence free WSPR to great effect this Es season. In some countries higher ERPs may be legal too. In the UK, it is 10mW ERP.

UPDATE 1832z:  19 unique stations have spotted me.

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