7 Dec 2022

8m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

Later I hope to go on 8m QRP FT8. No spots on 8m yesterday. If the MUF goes high enough today, I am in with a chance of reaching the USA again. 

Chances of a tiny 8m UK amateur band look slim, even by NoV.

UPDATE 1242z:  On 40.680 MHz QRP FT8. No spots.

8m FT8 spots
of me today
UPDATE 1807z: 
2 spots of me today and I have spotted a single station on 8m FT8 RX. Sadly, it looks like I did not reach the USA on 8m today.

UPDATE 1833z:  I asked the RSGB about a tiny 8m amateur band. Reading the email reply this is very unlikely in the UK. Those in the UK who want to continue with 8m propagation research will have to get T&I licences. These cost £50 for a year. Many might be able to use ISM regulations that allow 10mW ERP without a licence. I have asked OFCOM for clarification on the ISM rules.

1 comment:

  1. Roger,

    I will be monitoring for your beacon signal till new day UTC.

    Mike Schaffer
    Easton, Pennsylvania USA
