17 Nov 2022

8m FT8

 I am on 8m QRP FT8 on 40.680 MHz. So far today, no stations spotted but I have been spotted by SR4DON (1352km).

UPDATE 1656z:  No further spots on 8m FT8 today. My 8m WSPR local tests start on Monday Nov 21st.

UPDATE 1720z:   I have just written an article about 8m for Practical Wireless. If they publish it, it should appear early next year. My aim is to try to get a tiny 8m amateur band by NoV and dispel the utterly stupid myth that such a band would be "more of the same".


  1. Hi Roger

    I had a single event decode "CQ G3XMB JO02" at 184400 UTC on 40.680 DF 1500 with -11dB SNR. I am reasonably sure this coincided with a meteor ionisation trail. I was concurrently monitoring 144.360 for MSK144 activity and at 184330 UTC there was a 2 second 'burst', visible and audible, with DG6JF/P reported multiple times. So previous single decode events might have been MS related.

    73 de Phil EI9KP

  2. Thanks Phil. I am amazed that an MS burst is long enough!!
