29 Oct 2022

Network radio

My network radio has been put to good use as a DMR radio. My grandson is amazed that with something so small I can talk to stations across the planet. It is an Android radio, the Inrico T320.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/other-amateur-radio/network-radio.

1 comment:

  1. Notice that your grandson didn't dismiss it as "too easy".

    The idea that amateur radio is supposed to be arcane and accessible only to a chosen few, combined with an attitude from an older breed that anyone who does manage to break into the hobby only did so because it was made "easy" are the things I keep hearing from people who have abandoned the hobby.
    Maybe being 'nice' (i.e. "condescending") and 'helpful' (i.e. treating perceived inferiors like they are morons in a condescending manner) is actually counter-productive. Nah, it's all about unquestionably Good Guys and irredeemably Bad Guys in the hobby's group-think. Reasonably intelligent adults (particularly males) don't appreciate being treated like dim children who can someday (if they are very good) become your peer. Yet, this is the best that senior hams can offer any new entrants: "You're a moron, but I'll kindly overlook that and ignore what you're interested in because I know what you really want".
