30 Oct 2022

CQWW SSB contest

This weekend is the SSB leg of the biggest contest in the world. I may give it a try later. 

The CW leg is at the end of November. These are 48 hour contests and a good chance to work new stations and countries.

One good thing was this showed my 10m coax plug as intermittent. I have now fixed this and gone on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW from the W5OLF TX WSPR beacon. 

The photo shows activity on 10m SSB - busy!! With my poor voice, I find this much harder these days.

See https://www.cqww.com/ .


  1. How did you split the screen between wallfall and meters?

  2. Just pressed some buttons. This is my normal view. It is probably in the manual.
