11 Oct 2022

8m QRP FT8 TX (Tuesday)

Although I was not planning to go on 8m until late this afternoon, I am already on QRP 8m FT8 TX on 40.680 MHz.

You may be interested in my 8m webpage. See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/vhfuhfmicrowaves/8m-band .

UPDATE 1732z:  No spots today.


  1. Actually I was interested in your 8m webpage. However it would be nice to see what you use to experiment on 8m. Including some foto's, results? I know you had some troubles with OFCOM/RSGB but the international public does not really care about that I think. No problem to leave it at the bottom of the page after the relevant information everyone searches for. Just my view on it. Happy experimenting! 73, Bas

  2. Yes, quite right Bas. I shall add this.
