7 Jul 2022

Window time sync?

Usually, I sync my PC to Internet time using https://www.worldtimeserver.com/atomic-clock/ . I am not sure if later versions of Windows 10 or 11 do this Internet time synchronisation automatically and, if so, how often. 

For some reason, I am unable to sync with this time server today, so I have gone on TX anyway on 8m FT8 and 10m WSPR hoping the PC clock is right.

If you know about Windows and sync to Internet time, please let me know.


  1. Right Click on the clock at the bottom right hand corner.

    Click on adjust date/time.

    Click on sync now :-)

    73's Steve

  2. Does it update regularly too on its own?

  3. Yes, so long as you have it switched On " to set the time automatically"

    73's Steve

  4. I use Dimension 4 for FT/WSPR time synchronisation and have never had a problem with that.

  5. I use NetTime (open source) for that purpose https://www.timesynctool.com/
